Still An Awesome Game!
This game still packs a punch! The price is definitly worth it if your a casual or hardcore gamer. Campaign is fun and the multiplayer still holds up. Even though it is an older game tons of players are on. There are mods but no hacks. Dedicaded servers can rack up to almost 50 players in 1 game. Sure there are lots of overpowered and imbalanced traits about cod4 but that doesnt mean you wont have a blast playing it. I was on the fence as to if I should get this game but Im glad I did. Im not saying its for everyone but if you play fpss or other cods frequently then this is definitely something to consider. I hope this helped. Remember, the game itself is good, it just depends on how much you think YOU will be using it.
Project Island about
Call of Duty® 4: Modern Warfare™, v1.7.2